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The Care Programme Approach and its Effectiveness
Summary Report by Sophie Jones
The Regional Health Authority of
East and West Kent commissioned this report. It was decided 3
years ago to develop a user and carer empowerment programme. A
one-year feasibility study was conducted, and the following two
years were spent doing the research with guidance, technical
support and training by consultant, Pat Donlan.
The intention of the report was to utilise and develop skills
from service users in the field of research, (currently an
underdeveloped area in user empowerment). It would also help to
empower service users to influence the planning of future
services by enabling them to be part of the management and
planning board, presenting findings and an evaluation. It was
hoped that this exercise would widen and develop the skill base
among service users.
Share Medway Mental Health was chosen as one of five user
empowerment projects to participate in the project. They decided
to research the outcomes and effectiveness of The Care Programme
Approach (CPA) on service user lives. It was hoped to ensure
service users were getting the best possible care and if they
were unhappy about CPA, that something could be done about it. It
was also hoped that managers and planners could evaluate how
effective CPA was, and what alterations need to be made (if any)
in line with the needs of service users, and that these would be
cost effective.
Service users from SHARE individually devised a list of questions
about CPA. These questions were discussed by the group and
reduced to a list of 14 from which a semi - structured interview
was formed with the help of Pat Donlan. Requests to service users
subject to CPA in the Medway area to participate as interviewees
was then sent to local social services. It was decided to make
one person responsible for the complete task. Other people would
be involved, but a co-ordinator was appointed to complete the
research project.
A summary of the findings is outlined here:
CPA is generally regarded as positive by service users, however
there exists inconsistencies about how the care plan is being
explained to people. There needs to be found a way of enabling
service users to understand the purpose of CPA.
There are also inconsistencies about how, when and with what
frequency a care plan should be carried out. It is necessary to
look at the circumstances under which a review is carried out,
and make recommendations about best practice.
Although people felt positive about CPA, there was also a general
expression of passivity given the number of mixed responses to
many of the questions.
The ability of CPA to make radical changes to the lives of
service users is perhaps over-estimated. Service users feel
neither more empowered nor have their needs been fully resolved.
The potential of CPA to empower remains, and the question of how
to enhance empowerment needs to be addressed.
CPA should be kept and built on. It shouldn't be forced on
people; they need to feel part of the value of it. CPA should be
conducted when there is a need for it, whether it is every two
months, every week, or not for three years or more. The criterion
for a review should be whether the individual is in crisis or
In order for service users to feel more actively involved, they
should be offered an advocate, whether it is a friend, family
member or volunteer. This should be standard practise, and would
have the effect of giving them more of a stake in the process.
Staff training should involve the input of service users to help
understand how best to empower service users in their care.
Further research needs to be carried out to understand how the
staff views the CPA process, and what improvements could be made
from their point of view.
Many service users interviewed enjoyed the opportunity of being
asked questions about their care and reflect on their problems
and treatment, maybe answering questions about the adequacy of
their treatment should become part of their treatment somehow. A
service user audit conducted by and for service users.
It was a difficult subject to evaluate since there were no
overall strong feeling being expressed about CPA. The evaluation
was difficult, as there were no real definite patterns emerging
from the research that jumped out at you.
The subject has turned out to be very topical and I have been
asked to attend an audit of CPA from the service user perspective
as a result of doing this research. It is thanks to Bill Gooch
who was involved in the beginning and pushed for us to study the
topic. He put in a lot of work into the questionnaire design and
attempts to access people to interview. I took over the work
without having been involved in putting the questionnaire
together. This was a bit frustrating for me, but was not a
problem since the questions produced a very rich, diverse and
interesting response.
It was also a pleasure to work with the managers of local day
centres, who were very helpful. Also the manager from the local
advocacy centre was helpful in providing people to interview and
was also very supportive of the whole project. I am particularly
grateful to her for helping me with coming to terms with the
problems presented to me by a respondent whose problems I found
difficult and harrowing.
I had my fair share of personal problems while involved in this
project. I am very pleased to have been able to produce the
fieldwork and the report with help from Share management
committee. We tape-recorded a discussion between myself and
members of the Share management committee and the empowerment
worker, Sue Cooksley of the findings from the fieldwork. This
greatly enhanced the quality of the findings and was an enjoyable
experience for all of us.
For the future, it would be good to see some or all of our
recommendations put into practise and taken seriously. It would
be good to be involved in on-going discussions about the best way
to care for the mentally ill, and be able to influence changes in
current practise.
There were many people involved in the survey and production of
the report. Much was learned about research and the skills
involved. It has produced an interest in participating in
discussions around the best way to care for the mentally ill and
effective ways to do this.
Sophie Jones with Share Medway Mental Health, April 2002